Monday, March 5, 2012

Photo Assignment 7, Nature/Landscape

For my seventh and final Photo Assignment, I chose to take, edit, and turn in photos of Nature/Landscapes.  I took these photos in different times over the period of a week, in places such as my neighborhood, school, and places around Saline. I didn't edit, or only slightly edited all but three of these photos. I didn't edit some of them because I didn't want to mess up the light and colors the photo already had. The hardest thing about this Photo Assignment was narrowing all the photos down to turn in. The best photo I took is below.

The ISO of this picture is 64, the Fstop is f/10.6, and the Exposure/Shutter Speed is 1/218 seconds. The rest of the photos I took are below.

What I liked most about this assignment is that it shows that Michigan doesn't always have to be droopy or gloomy or gray. Some of the photos in the slideshow show lots of the color Michigan's nature has. The editing I did the the photos was mostly Levels, Cropping, and Exposure touch-ups. I really enjoyed this assignment.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Visual Dictionary

For this assignment we had to take a creative word from the dictionary and put photos together to describe those words. The words I used were undulation, melancholy, and theater. The techniques I used on Photoshop were Crop, Paint, Clone, and Blending Tools, along with Quick Selection Tools. The three Visual Dictionaries I made are below.

I liked this assignment because it allowed us to show our creativity in our Photoshop skills along with our creativity in finding and interpreting words with images.